SELF LED VISITS_ Schools Performance with Nicola Cunningham 2018

Book a free self-directed visit to explore our exhibitions.

Support your visit by attending our free Teachers Events, or arrange a preliminary visit to the Gallery.

Available during Gallery opening hours, Tuesdays – Fridays from 11.30am. Free, booking required

Book a visit

Use the online Self-led Gallery Visits form below.

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Self-led Gallery Visits Form

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Important visiting guidelines

We advise group leaders to visit exhibitions in advance, if possible, to ascertain the suitability for your group.

  • As group leader you are fully responsible for the behaviour and conduct of your group at all times.
  • Please be aware that there may be other group visits, workshops and guided tours taking place during your visit.
  • Large groups should be divided into smaller groups of no more than 15 to explore the Gallery (these numbers may vary according to the exhibition). Each smaller group must have an appointed leader who is responsible for group conduct.
  • We ask that groups adhere to the Staff/Participant ratio of 1:15

Whitechapel Gallery respectfully reserves the right to refuse entry to those that do not meet these requirements.

How we can help

  • Please let us know in advance if anyone in your group has any access requirements that our staff can assist with.
  • In addition to the Information Desk staff, Gallery Assistants are positioned in each gallery and are available to assist with any queries. They can also help in the event of an emergency.

Please remember…

Whitechapel Gallery is a public art gallery so we kindly ask for your group to remain considerate of other visitors.

Whitechapel Gallery staff reserve the right to ask individuals to leave the galleries if they pose a risk to the artworks, themselves or to other members of the public.

At no stage can Whitechapel Gallery assume the formal duty of care on behalf of group leaders.

Food and Drink

Food and drink cannot be consumed inside the Gallery spaces; closed bottled water is permitted in the galleries.

Large bags

Large bags are not permitted inside any of the galleries. A free cloakroom service is available in the Foyer.

Mobile phones

Please avoid taking calls on mobile phones inside the exhibition spaces.


Photographs may be taken in the Foyer, Café/Bar and Bookshop. Photography is permitted inside some of the galleries, depending on the exhibition. Please check with Visitor Services at the information desk when you visit.

Safety of Art Works

Works of art can damage easily and many contemporary works are especially fragile. Please remind your group of the Gallery rules:

  • No running
  • No touching
  • No close pointing at works of art or leaning against walls or plinths
  • No shouting (we often exhibit audio works)


Permitted with dry materials: pencils, fine-tipped pens, crayons.

Not permitted: paint and other wet materials, permanent markers, charcoal, pastels, oil based materials.


To avoid congestion in the shop, please visit in small, staggered groups with supervision at all times.

The shop sells some challenging material within its book sections which may not be suitable for children.